Museum Bulletins
Monographs and short papers generated by the University of Nebraska State Museum's Research Divisions from 1924 to present. Published on an intermittent basis.
Volume 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32
Volume 1
A Preliminary Report on the Nebraska State Museum. Erwin H. Barbour, 1924. (18 pages)
Elephas scotti, a new primitive Mammoth from Nebraska. Erwin H. Barbour, 1925. (4 pages)
Prosthennops xiphodonticus, sp. nov., a new fossil Peccary from Nebraska. Erwin H. Barbour, 1925. (8 pages)
An American Giraffe, Giraffa nebrascensis, sp. nov. W.D. Matthew and Erwin H. Barbour, 1925. (8 pages)
Manganese Fulgurites. Harold J. Cook, 1925. (4 pages)
Notes on Nebraska Fulgurites. Erwin H. Barbour, 1925. (4 pages)
Sand Fulgurites from Nebraska, their structure and formative factors. Abram E. Anderson, 1925. (38 pages)
Hackberry Conglomerate, a New Nebraska Rock. Erwin H. Barbour, 1925. (4 pages)
Tetrabelodon abeli, sp. nov. Erwin H. Barbour, 1925. (4 pages)
Skeletal parts of the Columbian Mammoth, Elephas maibeni, sp. nov. (24 pages)
Archidiskodon maibeni. Erwin H. Barbour, 1926. (4 pages)
Directory of Certain Alumni the Department of Geology and Geography The University of Nebraska. (8 pages)
Preliminary Notice of a New Proboscidean Amebelodon fricki, gen. et sp. nov. Erwin H. Barbour, 1927. (4 pages)
The Mandibular Tusks of Amebelodon fricki. Erwin H. Barbour, 1929. (4 pages)
The Mandible of Amebelodon fricki. Erwin H. Barbour, 1929. (8 pages)
Torynobelodon loomisi, gen. et sp. nov. Erwin H. Barbour, 1929. (8 pages)
Amebelodon sinclairi, sp. nov. Erwin H. Barbour, 1930. (4 pages)
A Morning's Consignment of Proboscidean Freight. Erwin H. Barbour, 1931. (4 pages)
The American Mastodon with Mandibular Tusks. Erwin H. Barbour, 1931. (8 pages)
The Giant Beaver, Castoroides, and the Common Beaver, Castor, in Nebraska. Erwin H. Barbour, 1931. (16 pages)
Evidence of Dinosaurs in Nebraska. Erwin H. Barbour, 1931. (4 pages)
A New Amebelodont, Torynobelodon barnumbrowni, sp. nov., a Preliminary Report. Erwin H. Barbour, 1931. (8 pages)
A New Crinoid Slab, a bit of Mississippian Sea Bottom. Erwin H. Barbour, 1931. (4 pages)
The Milford Mastodon, Mastodon moodiei, sp. nov., a Preliminary Report. Erwin H. Barbour, 1931. (8 pages)
The Musk Oxen of Nebraska. Erwin H. Barbour, 1931. (24 pages)
The Articulated Skeleton of a Titanotherium. Erwin H. Barbour, 1932. (4 pages)
Association of an Arrow Point with Bison occidentalis, in Nebraska. F.G. Meserve and Erwin H. Barbour, 1932. (4 pages)
The Articulated Skeleton of Eubelodon morrilli. Erwin H. Barbour, 1932. (4 pages)
The Skull and Mandible of Mastodon moodiei. Erwin H. Barbour, 1932. (4 pages)
The Mandible of Platybelodon barnumbrowni. Erwin H. Barbour, 1932. (8 pages)
A New Oreodont Slab. Erwin H. Barbour and C.B. Schultz, 1932. (4 pages)
The Mounted Skeleton of Bison occidentalis and Associated Dart Points. Erwin H. Barbour and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1932. (8 pages)
Association of Artifacts and Extinct Mammals in Nebraska. C. Bertrand Schultz, 1932. (12 pages)
The Scottsbluff Bison Quarry and Its Artifacts. Erwin H. Barbour and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1932. (4 pages)
The Thurston County Mastodon, Mastodon grangeri, sp. nov. Erwin H. Barbour, 1934. (4 pages)
A New Giant Camel, Titanotylopus nebraskensis, gen. et sp. nov. Erwin H. Barbour and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1934. (4 pages)
A New Ovibovine, Symbos convexifrons, sp. nov. Erwin H. Barbour, 1934. (4 pages)
A New Rhinoceros Mount, Trigonias osborni. Erwin H. Barbour, 1934. (4 pages)
The Mounted Skeleton of Megabelodon lulli. Erwin H. Barbour, 1934. (8 pages)
The Nebraska Meteor and Meteorite of August 8, 1933. Erwin H. Barbour and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1934. (8 pages)
The Geology and Mammalian Fauna of the Pleistocene of Nebraska: Part I Outline of Pleistocene Geology of Nebraska. A.L. Lugn (38 pages), Part II Pleistocene mammals of Nebraska. C.B. Schultz, 1934. (38 pages)
Gnathabelodon thorpei, gen. et sp. nov., a New Mud-grubbing Mastodon. Erwin H. Barbour and George F. Sternberg, 1935. (12 pages)
A New Miocene Dog, Mesocyon geringensis, sp. nov. Erwin H. Barbour and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1935. (12 pages)
A New Fossil Peccary, Prosthennops niobrarensis, from Brown County, Nebraska. Edwin H. Colbert, 1935. (12 pages)
Paleontologic and Geologic Consideration of Early Man in Nebraska with Notice of a New Bone Bed in the Early Pleistocene of Morrill County, Nebraska. Erwin H. Barbour and C.B. Schultz, 1936. (20 pages)
Volume 2
Report of the progress of the Nebraska State Museum. Erwin H. Barbour, 1938. (16 pages)
A new giant camel, Gigantocamelus fricki, gen. et sp. nov. Erwin H. Barbour and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1939. (10 pages)
The White River Oligocene rodent Diplolophus. Erwin H. Barbour and Thompson M. Stout, 1939. (7 pages)
A shovel-tusked mastodon, Amebelodon fricki, from Kansas. Erwin H. Barbour and Claude W. Hibbard, 1941. (9 pages)
The ancestral Ursid, Hemicyon, in Nebraska. Edwin H. Colbert, 1941. (8 pages)
A new species of Sphenophalos from the Upper Ogallala of Nebraska. Erwin H. Barbour and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1941. (4 pages)
A new fossil bovid from Nebraska with notice of a new bison quarry in Texas. Erwin H. Barbour and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1941. (6 pages)
The pipy concretions of the Arikaree. C. Bertrand Schultz, 1941. (14 pages)
Volume 3
The geologic history of the bison in the Great Plains (A Preliminary report). C. Bertrand Schultz and W.D. Frankforter, 1946. (10 pages)
The Goss Lemming Mouse, Synaptomys cooperi goosii, (Coues), in Nebraska. Edson Fichter and Merle F. Hansen, 1947. (8 pages)
A new Sciurid of Blancan Age from Kansa and Nebraska. Claude W. Hibbard and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1948. (11 pages)
Preliminary geomorphological studies of the Lime Creek Area. C.B. Schultz, G.C. Lueninghoener, and W.D. Frankforter, 1946. Preliminary report on the Lime Creek Sites: New Evidence of Early man in Southwestern Nebraska. C.B. Schultz and W.D. Frankforter, 1948. (Total of 32 pages)
An annotated list of the Orthoptera of Nebraska. Part I - The Blattidae, Mantidae and Phasmidae. Harold A. Hauke, 1949. (13 pages)
A graphic resume of the Pleistocene of Nebraska (with notes on the fossil mammalian remains). C.B. Schultz, Gilbert Lueninghoener, and W.D. Frankforter, 1951. (41 pages)
A report on Drosophila collections in Nebraska. David D. Williams and Dwight D. Miller, 1952. (19 pages)
Insect types in the collections of the University of Nebraska State Museum. Martin H. Muma, 1952. (35 pages)
An annotated list of the Orthoptera of Nebraska. Part II - The Tettigidae and Acrididae. Harold A. Hauke, 1953. (79 pages)
Volume 4
Paleosols of the Oligocene of Nebraska. C.B. Schultz, L.G. Tanner and Cyril Harvey, 1955. (15 pages)
Classification of Oligocene sediments in Nebraska. A guide for the stratigraphic collection of fossil mammals. C.B. Schultz and Thompson Stout, 1955. (36 pages)
Arretotherium fricki, a new Miocene Anthracothere from Nebraska. J.F. Macdonald and C. Bertrand Schultz, 1956. (6 pages)
Medial Pleistocene fossil vertebrate localities in Nebraska. C.B. Schultz and Lloyd Tanner, 1957. (23 pages)
An iron fulgurite from Nebraska. C.M. Riley, 1959. (6 pages)
Early records of some mammals from Nebraska. J. Knox Jones, Jr., 1962. (12 pages)
A Middle Miocene rhinoceros quarry in Morrill County, Nebraska (with notes on hip disease in Diceratherium). Robert M. Stecher, C.B. Schultz and Lloyd Tanner, 1962. (11 pages)
Bdellidae (Acarina) of the Australian realm. Warren T. Atyeo, 1963. (98 pages)
Deltopila, a Middle American genus of Anthophorine bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Wallace LaBerge and Charles Michener, 1963. (15 pages)
New species and records of little-known species of Melissodes from North America (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Wallace LaBerge, 1963. (16 pages)
Tarsocheylidae, a new family of Prostigmatic Mites (Acarina). Warren T. Atyeo and Edward W. Baker, 1964. (14 pages)
A review of the mites of the family Pseudocheylidae Oudemans, 1909 (Acarina, Prostigate). Edward Baker and Warren Atyeo, 1964. (16 pages)
New species of Proctophyllodes from Bulgaria (Sarcoptiformes, Analgoidea). Warren Atyeo and I.D. Vassilev, 1964. (5 pages)
Prodromus of American bees of the genus Andrena (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Wallace LaBerge, 1964. (38 pages)
Volume 5
The Feather Mite genus Proctophyllodes (Sarcoptiformes: Proctophyllodidae). Warren Atyeo and Norman Braasch, 1966. (354 pages)
Volume 6
A new species of rhinoceros, Aphelops kimballensis, from the latest Pliocene of Nebraska. Lloyd G. Tanner, 1967. (16 pages)
Citellus kimballensis, a new Late Pliocene ground squirrel. Douglas C. Kent, 1967. (10 pages)
The Monotypic North American subgenus Laradrena of Andrena (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). D.W. Ribble, 1967. (16 pages)
The Brule-Gering (Oligocene-Miocene) contact in the Wildcat Ridge Area of Western Nebraska. C.B. Schultz, Charles Falkenbach and Carl Vondra, 1967. (16 pages)
Volume 7
A revision of the bees of the genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere. Part I. Callandrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae). Wallace E. LaBerge, 1967. (316 pages)
Volume 8
The genera and species of the Feather Mite subfamily Trouessartinae except Trouessartia (Acarina: Proctophylladidae). Kenneth R. Orwig, 1968. (182 pages)
Biometrical study of morphology and development of the Pennsylvanian trilobite Ameura sangamonensis (Meek and Worthen). Roger K. Pabian and J.A. Fagerstrom, 1968. (19 pages)
Two Feather Mite genera (Analgoidea, Proctophyllodidae) from birds of the families Oxyruncidae and Pipridae (Passeriformes, Tyranni). Warren T. Atyeo and J. Gaud, 1968. (17 pages)
New genera related to the genus Brephosceles Hull, 1934 (Acarina: Proctophyllodidae). Paul C. Peterson, and Warren T. Atyeo, 1968. (20 pages)
Revisions of two subgenera of Andrena: Micrandrena Ashmead and Derandrena, new subgenus (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). David W. Ribble, 1968. (58 pages)
A new rhinoceros from the Nebraska Miocene. Lloyd G. Tanner, 1969. (18 pages)
Volume 9
A new Tribe of Saber-toothed cats (Barbourofelini) from the Pliocene of North America. C. Bertrand Schultz, Marian Schultz, and Larry D. Martin, 1970. (31 pages)
Machairodont cats from the Early Pleistocene Broadwater and Lisco Local Faunas. C. Bertrand Schultz and Larry D. Martin, 1970. (6 pages)
A generic revision of the Pterodectinae, A new subfamily of Feather mites (Sarcoptiformes: Analgoidea). Chong K. Park and Warren Atyeo, 1971. (50 pages)
A revision of the feather mite genus Brephosceles (Proctophyllodidae: Alloptinae). Paul C. Peterson, 1971. (76 pages)
The Microtine Rodents of the Mullen Assemblage from the Pleistocene of North Central Nebraska. Larry D. Martin, 1972. (10 pages)
Phyletic Trends in Certain Lineages of Quaternary Mammals. C. Bertrand Schultz, Lloyd G. Tanner and Larry Martin, 1972. (13 pages)
Two Lynx-like Cats from the Pliocene and Pleistocene. C. Bertrand Schultz and Larry D. Martin, 1972. (7 pages)
A New Species of Menoceras from the Marsland Formation of Nebraska. Lloyd G. Tanner. (9 pages)
Volume 10
Note: B-10-1 consists of parts B-10-1-1 through B-10-1-5. Each part is also available individually as a photocopy.
Cenozoic Mammals from the Central Great Plains. 1975. (63 pages)
Middle and Late Cenozoic Tapirs from Nebraska. C. Bertrand Schultz, Larry D. Martin and R. George Corner. (24 pages)
Stratigraphic Occurrences of Teleoceras, with a New Kimballian Species from Nebraska. Lloyd G. Tanner. (14 pages)
A new Kimballian Peccary from Nebraska. C. Bertrand Schultz and Larry D. Martin. (15 pages)
Bears (Ursidae) from the Late Cenozoic of Nebraska. C. Bertrand Schultz and Larry D. Martin. (11 pages)
Scimitar-toothed Cats, Machairodus and Nimravides from the Pliocene of Kansas and Nebraska. Larry D. Martin and C. Bertrand Schultz. (12 pages)
Parasites of Amphibians of the Great Plains. Part 2. Platyhelminths of Amphibians in Nebraska. Daniel R. Brooks, 1976. (28 pages)
A Revision of the Genus Strategus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Brett C. Ratcliffe, 1976. (112 pages)
Volume 11
Classification, paleoecology, and biostratigraphy of crinoids from the Stull Shale (Late Pennsylvanian) of Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa. Roger K. Pabian and Harrell L. Strimple, 1985. (81 pages)
A monograph of the genus Polyphylla Harris in America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae). Ronald M. Young, 1988. (115 pages)
A revision of the North American Papillose Allocreadiidae (Digenea) with Independent Cladistic Analyses of Larval and Adult Forms. J.N. Caira, 1989. (91 pages)
Volume 12
The Scarab Beetles of Nebraska
Brett Ratcliffe, 1991. 333 pages.
Hard copy out of print. See volume 22 for new edition.
Volume 13
Brett C. Ratcliffe, 1996. 100 pages.
Volume 14
Mary Liz Jameson, 1997. 184 pages with color plates.
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Volume 15
Andrew B. T. Smith, 2003. 202 pages.
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Volume 16
Author(s): Brett C. Ratcliffe, 2003. 506 pages.
Price: $20.00 plus shipping and sales tax
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Volume 17
Kenneth N. Geluso and Keith Geluso, 2004. 180 pages.
Volume 18
Kirsten Jensen, 2004. 241 pages.
Volume 19
Volume 20
Gaines Albert Tyler II, 2006. 142 pages.
Volume 21
Author(s): Brett C. Ratcliffe and Ronald D. Cave, 2006. 424 pages, 6 color plates, 3 color maps, 645 illustrations.
Price: $20.00 plus shipping and sales tax
Volume 22
Brett C. Ratcliffe and M. J. Paulsen. 2008. 570 pages.
$50.00 plus tax & shipping
Volume 23
Hugh H. Genoways, et al. 2008.
Volume 24
M. J. Paulsen. 2010. 148 pages, 130 illustrations, 29 maps.
Volume 25
T. R. Ruhnke. 2011. 208 pages.
Volume 26
Mary Liz Jameson and Brett C. Ratcliffe. 2011. 100 pages.
Volume 27
The Dynastine Scarab Beetles of Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae)
Brett C. Ratcliffe, Ronald D. Cave, and Enio B. Cano. 2013. 666 pages, hard cover, all color.
$75.00 plus tax & shipping
Volume 28
Ratcliffe, B. C. and R. D. Cave. 2015. Volume 28, 346 pages.
$40.00 plus tax & shipping
Volume 29
Mullhoff, W. J. 2016. Volume 29, 320 pages, soft bound.
$30.00 plus tax & shipping
Volume 30
Ratcliffe, B. C. and R. D. Cave. 2017. Volume 30, 298 pages.
$40.00 plus tax & shipping
Volume 31
Ratcliffe, B. C., 2018. Volume 31, 250 pages.
$30.00 plus tax & shipping
Volume 32
Author(s): Ratcliffe, B. C., Cave, R. D., Paucar-Cabrera, A. 2020.
Price: $40.00 plus shipping and sales tax