Planetarium Live!
Global Soundscapes
Global Soundscapes
NCCRS-Science: SC.4.2, 8.2, HS.2; SC.3.7, 7.7, HS.7; SC.4.4, 6.4, HS.4
NGSS: LS2.C; LS4.D; PS3.B; PS4.A
Listen….can you hear that? It’s the sound of the Earth! Global Soundscapes takes you on a sound safari to explore the health of our planet with your ears.
Travel the globe with scientists to investigate the spectacular soundscapes of Cost Rica’s rainforests, Hawaii’s coral reefs, and Mongolia’s vast grasslands. Learn how animals use sounds to survive and communicate in lush, but threatened environments. Experience basic acoustics through interactive activities and incredible slow-motion footage of pulsating musical instruments, vibrating vocal cords, and slobbering “raspberries.”
With Global Soundscapes’ unique format – combining awe-inspiring screen images, surround sound, and live presentation – you’ll hear the Earth in a whole new way!