Grade Level

Virtual Learning for 9-12

Program Fees

30 minutes: 45 minutes: 45 minutes with kit (includes shipping):
Nebraska Schools FREE FREE FREE
CILC Members, Libraries, etc. $100 $125 $150
CILC Premier Members $90 $115 $140

Program Details

MAXIMUM CAPACITY: 30 students/participants for maximum interaction

SIGN-UP: 2-3 weeks advance notice requested

BRING YOUR SCHOOL: Concurrent Virtual Learning Programs are encouraged within a school. We request classes be held on same day. Fees will be negotiated.

SCHOLARSHIPS: Nebraska schools, including accredited afterschool programs, receive FREE Virtual Learning Programs thanks to generous gifts from the Rogers Foundation, the Dillon Foundation, and the Friends of the University of Nebraska State Museum. (Funding does not cover Science Chat Specials.)

KITS: Kits included with a Virtual Learning Program are mailed to you prior to the scheduled virtual. The cost for return shipping is included in the program fee.  A pre-paid shipping label will be included in the kit.

Zoom, Microsoft Teams, H323 IP (Polycom, Cisco, LifeSize, etc.)
Point-to-Point, Multi-Point
Audio/Video tests by request only.
Please contact us if you have questions about your technology needs.

RESCHEDULING: If a Virtual Learning Program needs to be rescheduled due to unforeseen technical or weather events, we will try to reschedule within the following two weeks at no extra charge.

CONFIRMATION/CANCELLATION POLICY: You will receive a confirmation email prior to your program. Please check for accuracy. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled Virtual Learning Program. Failure to cancel in advance may result in being charged the full price of the program. There is no charge if your program is canceled due to weather or unforeseen technical problems.